buy crude oil in Tank Farm in China
For more than 3-h weeks we try to find TANK FARM seller in China, but we have only fake or brokers who do not understand and do not know the international rules and instructions for the delivery of foreign goods (petroleum products) to the territory of a foreign state.
For low-educated brokers, we inform that any goods that arrive in the territory of any foreign state (including China) must obtain a permit to arrive and unload into the customs control zone and receive a customs mark of the country of arrival.
Who is ready after signing SPA issue ( or show) cargo documents with Chinese customs arrival mark - we are ready to sign SPA for 6Mbbl every month with delivery to Qingdao port.
I ask not to issue false documents, not to demand a financial instrument without issuing permission of the Chinese customs,
Without this permission from Chinese customs, the Bank does not issue a financial instrument. Please understand this and not offer empty and stupid offers.
regards, Chines Refineries Group, China
Important information
- Avoid scams and never pay with Western Union, Moneygram or any other payment services
- We are not responsible for any decisions you make to contact any company. We are not associated with any company listed here.
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